
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 3: Money, Money, Money.

How do I spend my money? 

Tell us then, what is your opinion?  Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? -Mathew 22-17

It's late and I'm ready for bed so this is going to be short and sweet...
...I spend my money on life.
This took a lot of thought acutally. 
I've been staring at the computer screen for quite some time.
That's all I've got.
Where should I spend more of my God's money.
Probably on God.
Do I do that?
Not often enough.
What does this look like or mean?
Well, according to the bible I should tithe 10%.
What if I tithe 10% and then a charitable opportunity comes up and I give more... this part of my 10%?
Now maybe I don't have to give as much next time.
I find tithing a full 10% is very difficult.
Honestly, I don't do it.
I'm selfish.
I want that money for myself.
Wait a second. 
My money isn't really mine.
I'm going in circles.
I'm going to sleep on it. 
Teacher speaking in me...good thing this isn't a test.
I think I just failed.

Good night.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kirkland Lacrosse

I feel like this is a record...two posts in one day.  However, I really wanted to share this picture of three students with their 6th grade teacher.  What I love about this picture is the smile on their faces.  If only they knew how much it means to their teacher to get invited to their games...and then the teacher shows up (with husband in tow)...and then the boys forgot that they are on the field playing, but they are waving frantically to get their teacher's attention, approval and acceptance.  That teacher adores her 6th graders and is beyond proud of them. 

How fun it was for Chad and I to go to a 5th-6th Kirkland Lacrosse game this past Saturday.  Thanks boys for inviting me and even though you lost, I saw how hard you played, your dedication and love for the sport.  I am proud of you!

Day 2: How Do Miracles Happen?

How do miracles happen? 
When the disciples saw this, they were amazed.  "How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" They asked.
-Mathew 21:20

This question is a lot tougher than yesterday's question.  I find this ironic that this happens to be one of the questions that our pastor encouraged us to seek this week...Holy Week (for those of you that aren't Christians, that's a catchy phrase that means the week leading up to Easter).  Ironic because I have recently been questioning this myself due to the challenges of not being able to get pregnant, a miracle within itself. 

I have a round about way of getting to the point of this question so please bare with me.  Chad and I have recently paired up with another couple dear to our hearts, David and Laurie Lischke, to co-lead a new life group at our church. We recently went to the Lischke's house for dinner to talk about where the heart of our life group has stemmed from and what that looks like in the form of people gathering together.  As we were talking, I had jotted down a couple of questions on a sticky note, one of which was related to miracles.  My main question was why have some people (presumably Christians) witnessed a miracle and I have not?  Are those that witness a miracle have a stronger, maybe more connected relationship with Christ?  Has He chosen them specifically to be witnesses to miracles and if He has, then why haven't I been chosen?  Am I not spiritual enough?  It's no secret that I'm not on the greatest terms with God right now, but really, why haven't I witnessed a miracle?  Maybe it's as simple as, ask and I shall receive?  Whoa, wait a minute, that scares me a little (or a lot). 

On the flip side of this, let's say that I did witness a miracle.  Honestly, would I believe it?  I think about the crazy Christians on t.v. or churches that are extremely charismatic and perform miracles every day on their church stage in front of thousands...I don't think I'd buy it.  However, if I try to picture what it might have been like when Jesus was walking the earth.  There were villages where smaller, more intimate gatherings occurred.  People were not out to prove anything or outdo one another.  There wasn't millions of dollars supporting these so-called miracles, but rather poor and non-egotistical people (Of course egos and rich vs. poor existed back then, but I don't think it was to the extreme as it is today).  Within these small villages and small crowds of people, more humbling experiences took place.  I might believe it then. 

How do miracles happen? Honestly, I don't know.  Nor do I have an answer...sorry to those that were hoping I would reveal an "a-ha" moment for them.  What I do know is what Christ did for me, is a miracle.  The humiliation, torture and abuse that Christ went through to save me (and you) is a miracle.  Why is this a miracle?  This is a miracle because Christ was physically abused to the point of almost not looking human-like.  I can't even begin to explain the magnitude of abuse.  He died on the cross and rose from the dead three days later.  The mere fact that someone can rise from the dead after what He went through...well, that my friends, is a miracle. 

Again, how do miracles happen?  I don't know.  And then I think about the spectrum of miracles that could happen...someone rising from the dead compared to all my students turning in an assignment on time (now that would be a miracle).  Do all miracles happen because Christ has performed the ultimate miracle?  Maybe so.  Maybe I need to be bold and ask God to open my heart to this subject and maybe even witness a miracle.  Maybe. 

Please contemplate today, how do miracles happen?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Who Is Jesus?

Today our pastor challenged us to ask and think about daily questions throughout Holy Week.  My first thought was, it's Holy Week?  Then shortly after I thought how great it will be to have a daily subject to write and share about on my blog.  I then went back to my original thought, it's Holy Week?  I guess I had never heard that Christian "term" before (I feel like there are a lot of those).  I should preface my week's writings with I'm not a professional and I haven't been a Christian for very long; therefore, what I share this week is purely from my heart. 

The question of the day:  Who is Jesus? 

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "who is this?  The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from nazareth in Galilee." -Mathew 21:10-11

Who is Jesus?  This seems like a loaded question, but maybe I'm making it too difficult.  Then I laugh a little when I picture Jesus to be this sandle-footed-white-robe-wearing-Fabio-wind-blown-hair guy.  Honestly I'm not sure what Jesus physically looks like; however, I do know that Jesus is my Savior.  He loves me know matter what.  He protects me and guides me.  He is a teacher, a prophet, and a healer.  He is the son of God.  Jesus is the truth.

I fear Jesus, and I think that's okay.  Honestly, depending on how my life is going (or not going) I get angry with Jesus and I think this is okay too.  I need to remember to praise Him more often...daily.  My relationship with Christ is between Him and I.  For a while now it's been one sided  and I know Jesus is waiting.  He is waiting for me to turn to him.  His arms are open wide and He is calling to me, but I'm stubborn.  I'm breaking down and He knows this.  I'm thankful He is patient and understanding. 

Ask yourself, who is Jesus?  It may excite you, make you happy and/or down right scare you, but that's okay because He loves you. 

Peace of Mind

I've sat and tried to explain what the lyrics to this song mean to me, but I just can't.  They lyrics can speak for themselves. 

"Peace Of Mind"
Mindy Smith

I need peace of mind
And a hopeful heart
To lose this rage
And move out of the dark
I ain't looking for rainbows
Or shooting stars
Just some peace of mind
And a hopeful heart

I need a peace of mind
And a lullaby
Cause theres an angry voice
In my head tonight
Tellin' me to do things
That can't be right
I need peace of mind
And a lullaby

And a miracle
For this broken soul
A little miracle
For this broken soul

I need peace of mind
And gentle hand
As I try to change
The way I am
And God forgives me
When I can't
I need peace of mind
And a gentle hand

Or a miracle
For this broken soul
A little miracle
For this broken soul
I need peace of mind
And a hopeful heart

Happy Thoughts

When I get upset, angry or maybe even disappointed with the world...or life...I should think happy thoughts.  Happy thoughts like these...
...a loving husband, 

great friends,  

a wonderful family 

and baseball season (even if my home town team is the M's).

There are many other things
that make me happy,
but for now
I will stick with these.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Online Reading Journals...and Maybe A Small Rant

I love seeing how my students respond to what they are reading.  Whether it be a novel I am reading aloud in class or something of their choice, I thoroughly enjoy hearing their opinions, and more or less, innocent views of our world.  I used to carry stacks of reading journals (lab notebooks, the kind without spirals) to and from home and respond to my students' journal entries.  However, I couldn't keep up...I didn't feel like I could constructively respond to their reflections to what they were reading and I think this is very important.  I also had students that were losing their journals, leaving them behind at school at not being able to complete their refelction or forgetting them at home.  It became a journal-loose-leaf-paper-mess!

So, I brainstormed...A LOT...and tried to come up with a way that I could eliminate the journals (honestly, they get heavy and annoying after a while) and possibly get my students to be more active in completing their assignments in a timely manner.  I finally came up with an idea...I started an online journal for my class.  There are so many resources out there for teachers (thank you Internet) and I came across this site called  It is specifically designed for the safety of student-teacher-classroom use and it's free (big plus in my book).  Each of my students has a personal login and password, one in which I set and cannot be changed.  I post questions to the KidBlog and they respond either in the comments or in a separate post under their own page.  My students have also been able to respond to their peers' posts.  I absolutely love it!

We've been using our KidBlog for the past couple of months and my eyes have been opened to a whole new world.  I'm excited to report that many of my students are more likely to complete their homework because they don't have to take anything home with them and they get to do it on the computer.  My students are "plugged in" to the max and I just had to find a way to tap into that resource.  The other eye opener is the consistency, or rather lack their of, of families who do not have a set schedule for the students when it comes to completing homework.  I'm absolutely baffled.  Having a conducive study location and set time for students to work on their homework in a routine matter actually makes quite a bit of difference in student success.  Kids love routine!

Growing up we had strict rules, which back then I wasn't all that fond of, but now I am extremely thankful for the guidelines that were set in our house.  One of the rules I can remember is that within a given season we were allowed to participate in only one extra-curricular activity (Thank you, Mom and Eric, so much for this rule.)  We also had to have our homework completed before we could do anything else.  My students are rushed from one activity to the next, eating dinner in the car and not getting to their homework until 9, 10, 11:00 at night.  Really?  It's no wonder my students come in acting like zombies or extremely off their rocker and then crash by 2:00.  How are my students supposed to focus, pay attention and excell in school when they aren't getting a good nights sleep and their life is a constant race?  AND where is the family time?  My guess is that family time is on the way from one event to the next in the mini-van/SUV with a TV.  Quite frankly, I probably don't have a lot of room to talk because I don't have a family...I'm just the teacher who spends the most quality time with your kid; your child that I absolutely adore and want more than anything for them to achieve to the highest that they possibly can. 

I thought my plate was full...I'm an adult and I don't have that much to worry about.  Well, a little bit, but not much.  My students are only 11 and 12 years old.  They have 10-times the amount of chaos, craziness and worries in their lives.  It's unfair, it truly is unfair.  I can only hope that I can be that solid consistency in my students' lives...that is until they move onto the next grade.

Being a teacher, one that cares, is the toughest job I have ever had to do.

I'm's 10:30...this teacher needs to get to bed.

Good night,
Mrs. MacDonald

Friday, April 1, 2011

Perfect Day

One of my favorite things to do is walk around downtown Seattle with a cup of something warm to drink in hand (usually a chai latte) and just enjoy the life that surrounds me.  More often than not I have destinations in mind and a particular routine takes place and I guess I didn't realize this until more recently.  I used to share this routine with my friend Anna, but she no longer lives in Seattle (I miss her dearly).

The routine starts off by finding parking.  I wish I knew of a great "secret" place to park that didn't cost a fortune, but I have yet to find that spot.  So, I usually find myself parking in the Pacific Place garage because I feel safe...and it's part of the routine.  Upon leaving Pacific Place through the main mall entrance, I am welcomed to the hustle and bustle of a small-town-big-city.  Hello, Seattle!  Next stop, closest Starbucks, which happens to be on Pine and 6th right across the street.  Once my warm drink is in hand I venture to the Gap, where I really can't afford anything, but if I find a hat, scarf, tights or socks on sale then I might purchase them.  After "ooing" and "aweing" over what I would like to wear I venture next door to Old Navy.  Definitely more appealing to my wallet, but I'm not always in the mood to have to dig through piles of clothing and sales racks.  I then mosey down a block and around the corner to Anthropologie.  I love going into this store purely to dream.  Wishful thinking is all that comes from Anthropologie because it is definitely out of my league for my wallet.  I love the unique display of items, the smell of their candles burning and the feeling I get...almost as if I am in another country.  I definitely enjoy the dreaming that I endeavor in Anthropologie. 

I do enjoy the shopping, or rather looking, but what I really enjoy is my next destination, Pike's Place Market.  I can spend hours down at the market taking in the smells, watching the people interact, listening to the street performers, and seeing life happen all around me. 
This is Kathy, a friend from St. John/Westport.
We shared market experiences together this past week.

In the market, off to the left of the FISH guys is a treasure called Market Spice.  This store has an abundance of teas and spices to purchase from bulk.  In the back of the store there is always a warm pot of tea brewing and samples are available.  By now my coffee is gone and the comfort smell of Market Spice tea is the perfect treat...especially on a rainy Seattle day.  
Hello Market Spice.

A purchase from Market Spice doesn't happen to often, but when it does it's always a toss up between the huckleberry and original Market Spice teas. 

If my trip into Pike's Place is earlier in the morning then I will visit my next favorite spot, the Doughnut Company.  There is something about this smell that brings back childhood memories and I couldn't figure it out until Chad mentioned something to me the other day, the doughnut machine at Wild Waters.  (Side story)  When I was younger there were a couple of summers where we had a pass to Wild Waters, a water slide park in Coeurd'Alene, Idaho.   At the water park there was a similar doughnut machine as the one at Pike's Place Market.  Instead of buying lunch, Rolan and I would put our money together and buy these mini doughnuts.  I can't recall how often we would buy and eat doughnuts for lunch, but I don't think it was too often because we didn't always have the money.  I don't think the doughnuts in the market are the same, but the smell is identical.  It's a sweet-bakery-greasy aroma and makes my stomach crave the doughnuts whenever I walk out of the Market Spice and down the side hall to the Doughnut Company location.  A couple of days ago was no exception and without question I stood in line, as there is always a line (That's a good sign, right?), and waited patiently for my hot, freshly made, 6 plain mini doughnuts. doughnuts.

If you look closely you can see in the window a tier of doughnuts.  The top tier has sprinkled, and cinnamon and sugar doughnuts, the middle has powdered doughnuts and the bottom has the plain doughnuts.  I should've taken a picture of the doughnut machine next to the tier of doughnuts...I guess I'll just have to go back. 

With my sack of mini doughnuts in hand, which I should also say that six mini doughnuts is enough for 2-3 people because they are so greasy and rich, I will then venture through the remainder of the market and often, get to the end, turn around and walk back through.  The flowers, the colors, the fresh fruit and vegetable samples, the street performers, the funny fishermen, the tourists, the locals, the crafts, the almond samples, the crazy people, the view of the water, the history...I love it all. 

Alas, I have taken in all that I can, or am becoming concerned about the hefty parking bill awaiting me, and will head back towards the car...

What a perfect day.