
Monday, April 18, 2011

Kirkland Lacrosse

I feel like this is a record...two posts in one day.  However, I really wanted to share this picture of three students with their 6th grade teacher.  What I love about this picture is the smile on their faces.  If only they knew how much it means to their teacher to get invited to their games...and then the teacher shows up (with husband in tow)...and then the boys forgot that they are on the field playing, but they are waving frantically to get their teacher's attention, approval and acceptance.  That teacher adores her 6th graders and is beyond proud of them. 

How fun it was for Chad and I to go to a 5th-6th Kirkland Lacrosse game this past Saturday.  Thanks boys for inviting me and even though you lost, I saw how hard you played, your dedication and love for the sport.  I am proud of you!

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