
Friday, August 15, 2014

Second Look At Life

Throughout my life I have been exposed to a handful of deaths that have made an impact on me.  In high school I had a classmate die in a car accident.  With a class of 82, this kind of tragedy effects everyone in the community.  In college I had a friend also die in a car accident.  I was an RA with her and this greatly affected the residence hall community in which I was a part of, as she brought so much life and positive energy to everyone around her.  I have miscarried a few times, which I think about daily...especially now that I am pregnant (16 weeks and going strong).  Almost two years ago I had a student pass away unexpectedly.  A day does not go by without me thinking of her. 

When death occurs it seems as if those around make comments as "we take life for granted", or "life's too short", or "life is unfair".  All these statements are true, but I think as time passes on we quickly forget about the importance of life and get caught up in our busy-hurried-hustle-and-bustle daily lives.  I am guilty of this as well because it is so easy to do. 

Chad, Will and I recently escaped death as we were in a severe car accident.  There is no explanation as to why we are here except that God protected us.  We walked away with minor cuts and bruises--Will completely unharmed.  We are alive and I am in somewhat disbelief.  There is no explanation, except for God.  Up until our accident, I too had made comments as "taking life for granted", etc.  Well, that's all changed.  Since last Thursday, I have woken up every day (as tears stream down my face) thanking God for life, for keeping my family safe and protecting us through the crash. 

Although I have been impacted by other deaths in my life, nothing has impacted me as much as mine and my families escape from death. It is true, we do take life for granted.  Within seconds it can all be taken from us.  But I question, how can I not take life for granted after time passes on?  How can I remind myself daily that life is important and the "bumps" in the road of life, whatever they may be, aren't as trivial as they may seem?  I have to slow down and take each day for what it is worth and continue to remind myself to slow down and tell those around me how important they are to me and how much I love them.  We are alive, healthy and have each other...and God. 

I love these two more than words can describe....


Unknown said...

Robin, I believe in life we all have defining moments. Moments that change who we are , and change what we know and believe. No matter how hard we try we can never go back. Yes, life will get busy, but you got your were witness and felt it....I believe you and Chad and the kids will never be the same, you will never go back...there is a reason you got your miracle. You all still have miracles to hand out here on earth...ya, life gets crazy busy but trust me girl, you will never have to remind yourself again how wonderfully blessed you are....I know your heart!

Unknown said...

Sorry, Mary L.