
Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm A Tri-Athlete?

So this weekend I partook in my first sprint triathlon. I had been training for the event for about 9 months with a friend from Peter Kirk Elementary. A few days before the triathlon I came down with, what I thought was, allergies. Eventually "it" got worse and Friday, the day before the triathlon, I went to see my doctor and she told me I had a sinus infection. The doctor gave me the "okay" to compete in the triathlon the following day.

By definition I am a tri-athlete. I partook in a race that had three parts--swimming, biking, running--and successfully completed the event. However, I don't really feel like a tri-athlete. When I think of a tri-athlete, I think of someone who is in prime shape, almost to the point of being an olympian, if not already one. This is not me. Although, at the race I realized that tri-athletes come in all shapes and sizes. The race was very difficult, but the training, the challenge, and the competitive and fun-filled atmosphere of the race was awesome!

Do I want to do another one? Yes. I'm hooked. My time was 1:56:26--much longer than I expected; although, I'm hoping my lengthy time was due in part because of the unfamiliarity of a triathlon and because I was sick and had troubles breathing. My goal for the next event is to cut 25 minutes off my time.

Chad took many great pics, of which I have only included one. More photos can be viewed at the following link:

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