
Monday, August 16, 2010

Dairy Update

Just a quick little update for my readers....

The first week without dairy was extremely difficult.  There were two incidents where I forgot about the "no dairy" and accidentally had some cheese.  Oops.  However, that slice of pizza from Belltown Pizza was absolutely amazing.  Second encounter with dairy was at a birthday party.  I simply forgot and as I and couple of my best friends devoured a bowl of yummy jalapeno/artichoke/parmesan dip I remembered afterwards...when my stomach was screaming at me. 

Overall, after the first week, I feel pretty good. Although, I'm beginning to wonder if there might be more than dairy that is causing my "touchy tank" to go haywire.  I fear that there might be a bit of a gluten intolerance (thanks for the reminder, Mrs. Rice).  I'll battle the gluten next month.  For now my focus is no dairy.

Off to play in my classroom.  Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

it sounds like you've got what one of my friends has going on. She's totally off dairy now, and some gluten is fine, but its better in small doses, and something about IBS, but it's the dairy that really does it in for her.