
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 4th

The 4th of July is special to Chad and I for many reasons.  For me, it's about the time we started dating...14 years ago.  The 4th also stirs up many great childhood memories from watching the Coeurd'Alene firework show to going with Dad and Rolan to pick out a couple fireworks from a stand that sat in the old Tidyman's parking lot on Best Ave. to running through the colored smoke bombs on our neighborhood street. 

Since being together with Chad, we have spent all but two Fourths on the river at the cabin.  The 4th of July now equates to an extended stay at the cabin where card games, swimming, boating, jet skiing, kayaking, campfiring-ing and just plain fun takes place. 

I love the tradition and look forward to many more 4ths at the cabin. 

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