How do miracles happen?
When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. "How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" They asked.
-Mathew 21:20
This question is a lot tougher than yesterday's question. I find this ironic that this happens to be one of the questions that our pastor encouraged us to seek this week...Holy Week (for those of you that aren't Christians, that's a catchy phrase that means the week leading up to Easter). Ironic because I have recently been questioning this myself due to the challenges of not being able to get pregnant, a miracle within itself.
I have a round about way of getting to the point of this question so please bare with me. Chad and I have recently paired up with another couple dear to our hearts, David and Laurie Lischke, to co-lead a new life group at our church. We recently went to the Lischke's house for dinner to talk about where the heart of our life group has stemmed from and what that looks like in the form of people gathering together. As we were talking, I had jotted down a couple of questions on a sticky note, one of which was related to miracles. My main question was why have some people (presumably Christians) witnessed a miracle and I have not? Are those that witness a miracle have a stronger, maybe more connected relationship with Christ? Has He chosen them specifically to be witnesses to miracles and if He has, then why haven't I been chosen? Am I not spiritual enough? It's no secret that I'm not on the greatest terms with God right now, but really, why haven't I witnessed a miracle? Maybe it's as simple as, ask and I shall receive? Whoa, wait a minute, that scares me a little (or a lot).
On the flip side of this, let's say that I did witness a miracle. Honestly, would I believe it? I think about the crazy Christians on t.v. or churches that are extremely charismatic and perform miracles every day on their church stage in front of thousands...I don't think I'd buy it. However, if I try to picture what it might have been like when Jesus was walking the earth. There were villages where smaller, more intimate gatherings occurred. People were not out to prove anything or outdo one another. There wasn't millions of dollars supporting these so-called miracles, but rather poor and non-egotistical people (Of course egos and rich vs. poor existed back then, but I don't think it was to the extreme as it is today). Within these small villages and small crowds of people, more humbling experiences took place. I might believe it then.
How do miracles happen? Honestly, I don't know. Nor do I have an answer...sorry to those that were hoping I would reveal an "a-ha" moment for them. What I do know is what Christ did for me, is a miracle. The humiliation, torture and abuse that Christ went through to save me (and you) is a miracle. Why is this a miracle? This is a miracle because Christ was physically abused to the point of almost not looking human-like. I can't even begin to explain the magnitude of abuse. He died on the cross and rose from the dead three days later. The mere fact that someone can rise from the dead after what He went through...well, that my friends, is a miracle.
Again, how do miracles happen? I don't know. And then I think about the spectrum of miracles that could happen...someone rising from the dead compared to all my students turning in an assignment on time (now that would be a miracle). Do all miracles happen because Christ has performed the ultimate miracle? Maybe so. Maybe I need to be bold and ask God to open my heart to this subject and maybe even witness a miracle. Maybe.
Please contemplate today, how do miracles happen?
I have seen miracle, having a baby when I was told it won't be happening. Having that child healed at two years old when the Dr.'s said there was no medical reason for his healing from life threatening asthma. Having a second child when I didn't know I would have two miracles. But when praying for a miracle because I knew my marriage would only be healed by Christ it didn't happen the way I had prayed but the miracle was I loved the Lord if not more and completely rested on his love. I learned that my relationship on the Lord was the only miracle I needed and I could trust it always. You have my life.
Miracles come large and small. I know that God works miracles. He has saved people I love from near death, a feeling of a friend that had passed letting me know he was ok, he has lead people in directions they couldn't go on their own, kept my son and I safe through the early delivery and my poor health. Prayer after prayer have lead me to witness miracles. I don't see myself as a model Christian either, but who is perfect? I think that if you look at things in a different light you may realize you may have seen a miracle or two. If not... you will. Have faith. I am so thankful we have become friends lover bean.
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