
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just Can't Do It...and Other Random Thoughts (My Students)

So, I've tried having various pages with different topics, but I don't like the idea of having static pages.  I just can't do it.  My viewers can't comment on one specific post.  So, I'm going to try something new...I'm working on figuring out tags, labels or something like that.  I will have a few...running, knitting, love, school...I'm not quite sure what else....and I've got to figure out how to show or post my tags (How do I do this, Erin?  You have so many and I like this!)

Until the "tagging" has been good and getting back to normal.  Whatever "normal" may be.  I continue to turn to my students (I should probably focus more on God, but it's been challenging lately...I'm okay with that and I think He understands right now)...

I can't share enough how amazing my students are.  There is something special about each and every one of them (and they have completely stolen my heart). Something that I can't explain, but I fall asleep every night thinking of them, praying for them, and thanking God every day for them (okay, so I haven't completely turned my back on Him).  I only wish I could share more pictures and videos of what actually happens in my classroom.  It's unfortunate that our world is so creepy and unsafe for my innocent and absolutely outsanding unsafe that I can't post an incredible video of them having a blast and leading an all school "wave" at our Fun Run...or them being incredible role models to their 2nd grade Little Buddies and taking the time to share their favorite picture books...or (the smaller things in the classroom that make me happy) coming in quietly from recess and following the directions on the board, transitioning to the next subject without me saying a word, OR  getting a 5 in music (the best) and being told on the way back to their classroom that they are the best class that Ms. Osbourne has had in a while...

...SERIOUSLY?  Thank you  my outstanding 6th graders. I look forward to my day, every day, because of you.  (My heart is smiling with warm, fuzzy happiness right now.)


Gina said...

I have the labels Robin and love it! I will email you some information! :)

Still Life With Coffee said...

All you do is in the settings section, make sure you click "show labels". Each time you write a post, there is a little box at the bottom and you type in what you want to label the post as. I.E. 'school', 'running', etc.
Then in the design section, make sure one of your gadgets is 'labels' and voila! The label will appear with a number after it for each post that you gave a label to. I can also show you when I'm at school Friday. :-)

Still Life With Coffee said...

Oops...Actually, you do not need to go to settings. Just add a label when you post (in the box provided) and make sure you have a gadget for labels. click on gadgets and labels is an option. :-)