
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hole, Rachel, Molly and A Little Bit of God Mixed In

I feel so blessed to have amazing friends in my life. I have friends all over the world and due to the wonderful world of Facebook and blogs, I'm able to connect, talk to them or "stalk" them on a regular basis. I feel like I have many "stages" of friends. The stages of friends represent the "stages" of my life. This kind of makes me sad (because life passes by so quickly), but at the same time extremely blessed to know that God has always surrounded me with people that love me, take care of me and know my heart. I get a little emotional just thinking about it (I know. Big surprise on the whole emotional thing. Maybe I should refer to it as passionate, rather than emotional.) I forget to thank God for the simple things in life. The love that He provides me and surrounds me with. The things that, all too easily, are taken for granted.
This post inspired me because from the previous post I had three close friends from different stages of my life share a comment. These three friends mean the absolute world to me. I would drop everything to be there for them and it makes me feel good to know, without doubt, they would do the same for me. The irony of it all, for me anyway, is that these three friends do not know each other.

Gina, "Hole", lives in northern Idaho and we first met in high school. I don't recall the details, but from what we've been told we got into a fight on the basketball court. Gina and I played on rival high school teams. God only knew that a few years down the road we would become sorority sisters, in each others weddings and honestly friends forever. I don't get to see or talk to Hole all that often, but when I do we pick up right where we left off. Hole and I have many fun memories together...beginning college memories. I love being with Hole because the friendship is simple yet so rewarding. She understands small town Idaho (Northern. There's a difference from southern.) I miss her and don't tell her enough how much her friendship means to me. Thank you, Hole. (Hug from afar.)

Rachel. Just thinking about Rachel makes me well up with happy tears. I met Rachel my last year at U of I. We were RA's together in the Tower. Actually, we were just on duty together one night a week. Looking back, it's amazing how God worked our worlds together, but He definitely knew that we were going to need one another. I don't recall the first time I met Rachel, but the two of us have shared and been through some difficult life challenges. A suicidal student, the death of a friend, bible studies and shared hearts, and the loss of our babies are just the beginning. Through Rachel's dedicated love and given heart to the Lord, she has inspired me to be more trusting in Him. Again, Rachel is another friend that I don't talk to on a regular basis, but when we do we are able to catch up right where we left off. I love that. Thank you, Rachel. Praying for you. (This pic I stole from Rachel's FB page. I do not have any pics of the two of us post-digital camera. This just means I need to come visit Rachel soon! Ben and Rachel are so cute!)
Molly. Molly makes my heart skip a beat. I know. Sounds corny, but it's true. Molly is my now-forever friend. Again, corny, but she is a friend that I see at least twice a week (okay, probably more and if I could I'd want to see her every day). The story of how the two of us met is a little bit longer, only because the details are fresher. I met Molly almost 7 years ago when Chad and I moved to the Seattle area. A young couple that lived next door to where we first lived invited us to attend their church. So we went along. I believe the first person I met at church was Michelle Harris, who happened to be the pastor's wife. The second person I was introduced to was AmandaVaughn because we both liked to scrapbook. The third......was Molly. It was a typical, awkward, churchy introduction; however, that next week we went out to dinner (boys included). To this day we still get a laugh at how the evening went at Belltown Pizza. Conversation was as follows (or there abouts) as we are looking over menus:
" shall we order?"
"I don't know. What do you guys like?"
"Just about anything, but this and this (pointing to the menu) are really good."
"Alright, sounds good."
"Let's order a couple and share."

" are you going to get to drink?"
"I was thinking a beer."
"They drink beer." (Followed by big sighs and much laughter.)
And thus led to a forever lasting friendship with the 4 of us.

I can't explain the friendship that Molly and I share, but it is one that I should thank God for daily. Honestly, I'm speechless about the friendship that we share. Laughs, tears, heartaches, life....we've been there for each other. I feel like I've known Molly forever, but it's only been 7 years. She means the world to me. Thank you, Molly. I love you.


Unknown said...

oh robin! ooooh, robin. i am the one sitting here with tears in my eyes. the funny thing is - I'M the one who's so lucky to have a friend like YOU! you are good for the soul, making me laugh when i need it, face myself when i need it, and so inspiring to me. you're courageous, kind, and beautiful. you're my best friend and i know we'll be old together one day. i just love ya. and thank you.

Gina said...

I agree with Molly. I am tearing up and can't even imagine what my life would be like without you! I love how welcome I always feel at your home (or your Mom's home) and we can just pick up right where we left off. I miss you so much and wish we could see each other more often, but as we know, life took us in different directions! I miss you and I thank you for being one of the best friends I have ever had! :) Hugs & kisses from afar!

Gina said...

Oh, and I find it ironic that the picture you posted is from our cruise on lake cda & I'm going on a cruise tonight with Gish (did you know her?)

Gina said...

And, I want to mention that you and Chad are the ONLY ones that still call me Hole! I love it! :)

Unknown said...

Robin! So I just read this, and I am so touched. I agree with Molly and Gina (and would love to meet them someday!) in that YOU have blessed me so much, and continue to. You are one of the strongest, most kind-hearted people I know, and I love you dearly. Thank you for being such a wonderful, dear, special friend!