
Monday, May 17, 2010

My Goal... to post at least once a week. I like blogging, but lately I haven't been very good about it. So I've decided that maybe if i set a goal (a realistic one) then I can work towards that. Once I meet my one post a week goal then maybe I will up the ante a bit...say two a week.
So the post for this week is a random mix of thoughts in various areas of my life...
1. Work: I love my students and teaching 6th grade, but am ready to move on. More or less, I'm ready for summer and ready for my 6th graders to be in junior high. I currently don't have my position at Sandburg for next year (sad) and I don't know what God has in store for me, but I have faith that He will place me in the right school and teaching the grade that I need to be teaching (Please God, don't put in a grade lower than 2nd grade...I don't think I can handle it.)
2. Running: I'm excited to share that I feel on target for my training and I feel comfortable with how my body feels along with my time for my long runs. I have 6 weeks until my race. I'm still contemplating a marathon...maybe Chicago.

3. Relationships: I don't have enough time in the day for all the people in my life that I love. I wish my days were longer. I wish I had the time to deepen the existing relationships and expand on newer relationships that are forming. I miss my family too.

4. Family: I love my husband and I forget to thank God for the amazing man that he is and how fortunate I am to have him in my life. I'm excited and scared for changes that are hopefully coming our way....the big ones: house, family, job...

My post for the day...complete with a fun picture because I love pictures.

Becca, Molly, myself and Laura at a Mariner's game. I love these girls and I love baseball!


Gina said...

yeah! I miss hearing about what is going on in your life :)

Unknown said...

please don't stop you!