
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nut Shell

Here's what's been going on in our lives the past couple of weeks...

Prepping and teaching and scrambling to get everything in by Winter Break.
Small Tri Delta get together with friends from college (what a great visit).
Thanksgiving trip to Oregon.
Much needed visit with family.
Two day drive up the Oregon Coast.
Last minute planning and preparation for Outdoor Ed. trip to Canada with my 6th graders.
Christmas shopping and Christmas music being played constantly (I LOVE Christmas).
Continious Survivor gatherings on Thursday (I look forward to this every week)!
Making pico de gallo with 22 6th graders...learning about Mexcio's culture.
Final check on items packed for week long trip to Canada with 6th graders.
Looking forward to bus departure to Canada at 6:45 a.m. on Monday with approx. 80 kids.
Enjoying the glorious sunshine-winter days in Kirkland.
Girls night out with friends from church...I highly recommend The Christmas Carol in 3-D!
Woke up this morning with a head cold...hoping it goes away by Monday. (Come on your magic!)
Thankful for my husband who is doing laundry because my head weighs a ton. I love him.

Good day to all. Love.

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