
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hawaii In A Nutshell

I'm trying to catch up on all the happenings in our life within the past few weeks. I had an opportunity to travel to Hawaii with a friend from church, Heather. We had a great time, although I don't think Hawaii is for me. I think I prefer vacationing in the trees, or if I am going to go somewhere tropical then I prefer somewhere within the latin culture. Here is a run down of the trip...

Six and a half hour plane ride, 45 minute shuttle to hotel, ABC Stores, hit the beach, numerous hours of people watching, too many speedos, beautiful sunsets, drinks at Duke's, a day in Honolulu and China Town, tea shops, botanical gardens, an extensive bus ride to and from Pearl Harbor, hit the northshore with World Champion surfers (no really, we rode over with them), made some new friends, 4-foot swells kayaking trip (scary), outdoor international market, coffee and more people watching, our own tours through hotels (we acted like we were guests and took random/funny pictures around the hotels), 1980's/cruise ship/hockey announcing luau (it was free), dinner with a friend from Seattle (random run-in), street performers, sunrise hike to Diamond Head (this might have to be another post), more laying on the beach, trip back home (long and exhausting environment of an out of control daycare)....definitely excited to see Chad.

I must note that while I was in Hawaii, Chad spent a few days in Vancouver, B.C. with 15 other guys...a bachelor party for Anthony. Chad didn't have the camera so pics were not taken of his travels. Maybe this is a good thing.

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