All I have to say is that our conversations in class this past Friday ranged from...
1. Pi is cool because it's like "pie".
2. How cool it would be to live in Antarctica, or maybe just take a field trip as a class. (This would be rad!...We are studying Earnest Shackleton.)
3. Whoopie cushions make funny noises.
4. Some familes don't openly talk about farting and burping and we need to respect that. (So, in other words, only have the whoopie cushion out during appropriate times and not when I'm teaching.)
5. How can we help the children in need from the tsunami in Japan? We have so much to be thankful for.
6. Marvel comics are awesome.
7. Who is reading the coolest book in class right now? (The winner was a toss up between The Chronicles of Narnia, When You Reach Me and My 6th Grade Teacher is an Alien...awesome!)
8. Greek Root of the Week: logos, meaning word and of course scatology (the study of feces) was one of the discovered words...yes, I accepted it, but they could not do a skit on that particular word.
9. What is a haiku poem? My class is full of beautiful poets! (They truly are, but I might be a little bias too.)
10. The mystery of when Mrs. MacDonald's birthday is and how old she is going to be. (They finally figured it out...and were shocked when they realized I'm as old as some of their parents.)
My love for 6th grade is endless and my heart just melts thinking about how adorable my class is.