
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mt. Rainier

I want to write more about my adventure to Mt. Rainier, but for now I will just share a couple of pics.
When I saw this I peed my pants with excitement (not really, but close). So close yet so much further to hike.

Getting closer.

And closer.

Yes!  I made it!

More stories and pics to come later. I'm going back to the mountain...and soon! 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dairy Update

Just a quick little update for my readers....

The first week without dairy was extremely difficult.  There were two incidents where I forgot about the "no dairy" and accidentally had some cheese.  Oops.  However, that slice of pizza from Belltown Pizza was absolutely amazing.  Second encounter with dairy was at a birthday party.  I simply forgot and as I and couple of my best friends devoured a bowl of yummy jalapeno/artichoke/parmesan dip I remembered afterwards...when my stomach was screaming at me. 

Overall, after the first week, I feel pretty good. Although, I'm beginning to wonder if there might be more than dairy that is causing my "touchy tank" to go haywire.  I fear that there might be a bit of a gluten intolerance (thanks for the reminder, Mrs. Rice).  I'll battle the gluten next month.  For now my focus is no dairy.

Off to play in my classroom.  Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Stomach Hurts

I wish I could say that "my stomach hurts" refers to sharing hours of laughter with friends, but unfortunately it doesn't.  My stomach hurts every time I eat.  It's a mystery and I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.  I've had numerous doctor's visits to try to figure out the mystery.  Even to the point of having a colonoscopy a few years back (sorry if that's too much information shared).  A bill of clean health was given; although, I was labeled with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).  Basically this means, "We have no idea what is wrong with you and your crazy ideas of stomach pain so we will label you with IBS." 

Once I was labeled with IBS I began, for a short while, being very diligent as to what I was eating.  Apparently there are certain foods vs. other foods that can cause a "flare up" or a gut wrenching ache for hours.  So, here I go (again) where I am going to try to figure out what is making me feel the way I do. 

My first step is an elimination diet.  This means that for a period of time I will eliminate certain food or food types from my daily diet.  The second portion of this process is journaling everything I eat, time of day I eat, how much I eat, how I feel before and after I eat (emotionally and physically)....

The second step is to actually stick with it so I can (hopefully) figure out what makes me feel awful. 

The hardest part about all of this is I LOVE FOOD.  All kinds of food.  I also love cooking and baking.  This is going to be challenging, but I'm hoping I will get the stomach aches figured out. 

So, here I go...the next 30 dairy.  (Big sigh...I love cheese.)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Well Begun is Half Done"

One of my favorite movies is Mary Poppins and today as I began unstacking, rearranging, tossing out, and rearranging some more I thought how nice it would be to have Mary Poppins by my side.  If only it could be as simple as a snap of the finger and my classroom could be set up, everything in it's perfect place and completely ready for my students. 

In thinking of Mary Poppins today, I was reminded of what I experienced my first year of teaching and where I would like to go from there. 

Last year in hearing that I was not going to have a job at Sandburg for this year...
Jane: Mary Poppins, we won't let you go!
Mary Poppins: Go? What on earth are you talking about?
Michael: Didn't you get sacked?
Mary Poppins: Sacked? Certainly not. I am never sacked!
Jane: Oh, Mary Poppins!
Jane, Michael: Hurrah, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray...
Mary Poppins: Neither am I a Maypole. Kindly stop spinning about me.

That's right!  I'm back at Sandburg teaching 6th grade!  Now, how can I best put my students to work and trick them into learning while having fun?...
Mary Poppins: Our first game is called Well Begun is Half-Done.
Michael: I don't like the sound of that.
Mary Poppins: Otherwise titled Let's Tidy up the Nursery.  (How about the classroom?)
Michael: I told you she was tricky.

After everything is in it's place, I get to be Mrs. MacDonald and teach them life skills because that's what really matters, right? 
Mary Poppins: Never judge things by their appearance... even carpetbags. I'm sure I never do.

Well, maybe I should start with classroom rules...
Mary Poppins: We can't have them gallivanting up there like kangaroos, can we?
But, most importantly, I want my students to be themselves, learn from one another and have fun.
Mary Poppins: In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game! ("job" could be replaced with homework, task, errand, class work, group work, etc.)

And although it would be nice to be Mary Poppins, I know that all I can be is myself, Mrs. MacDonald.  However, it wouldn't be so bad if my students thought I was like Mary Poppins every now and then...
Mary Poppins: As I expected. "Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way." 

Friday, August 6, 2010


Today is Hannah's birthday.  Usually I have Hannah Thursday's, but today was Hannah Friday because I had a writing conference I was at yesterday.  It just happened to be Hannah's birthday today.  How exciting!  I absolutely love birthdays!  I have great birthday memories from when I was a little girl (maybe a later post).  Hannah's day with me began with a HUGE cupcake balloon, 6 rainbow chip cupcakes with rainbow chip frosting, and a suprise visitor...Mrs. Raines.  Mrs. Raines was Hannah's second grade teacher who also happens to be a dear friend of mine.  Next we headed to the Pancake House for breakfast where we delighted ourselves with omelettes, blueberry pancakes and amazing potatoes.  (I mean AMAZING!)  After breakfast we went and found a cozy piece of grass on Mercer Island where we parked ourselves for the next couple of hours watching the Seafair air show.  Talk about breathtaking, heart pounding and tearfully proud to be an American moments.  (I'm now in love with the Blue Angels.) 

Let me back up a bit....(This next little bit is one of the many reasons I love children.)

As we were driving to Mercer Island Mrs. Raines, Hannah and I were talking about our "favorites" that we had in common.  The conversation went as follows....

Mrs. MacDonald:  "What's your favorite model of car?"
Hannah: "What do you mean?"
Mrs. MacDonald: "Well, for example, I like Volkswagen Bugs.  The old kind, not the newer kind.  The Beetles."
Hannah:  "Oh, I like...hmm...I like Toyotas."
Mrs. Raines:  "I like Audi's.  Like the Audi A4 or A6."
(Silence...which very rarely happens with Hannah. Then a thought occurred in her curious, cute and innocent little brain.)
Hannah: "You mean like belly buttons?"
(Mrs. Raines and I shared a look of confusion with one another.)
Hannah:  "You know.  Like an innie or an outie?" 
(Laughter echoed in the car, or rather cackling bellowed from Raines and myself.)
Mrs. MacDonald:  While laughing, "Yes, like an innie or an outie."

We all continued to laugh so hard and the conversation progressed into the curiosity of a 9 year old and what would a person have if they had both an innie and an outie. 

The final conclusion was if you don't have an innie or an outie then you must have an inbetweenie. 

Happy birthday, Hannah.  I'm glad Mrs. Raines and I got to share it with you. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Day

Yesterday hit me and it hit me hard. 

However, last night we went over to the Barrans' and the warm hugs, a dear friend telling me it's going to be okay and the love from three little ones made everything a little better.  Besides how could the day continue to be filled with anger and hate and jealousy when I am holding and sharing moments with this....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What's Really on My Mind Today

Today just happens to be one of those days.  One of those days that I would like to push deep inside and not think about.  I want it to go away, but apparently it's not supposed to.  I suppose it's God's way of letting me know that I'm not in control and He is.  That I need to depend on, talk to and give everything to Him.  How difficult this is and how mad this makes me. 

It's not a mystery or suprise to anyone that my heart desires to be a mom.  I've already lost two and I don't want to lose any more.  I fear this.  I fear this greatly.  I just have so much anger today.  Anger towards God.  Anger towards life's circumstances.  Anger and hate.  I want this to go away too.  I'm not an angry or hateful person, but today I feel this way. 

Why can't I be a mom?  I know that there are many women who face the challenge of getting pregnant, but today that doesn't make my situation any easier.  Today I'm selfish and only thinking about me.  Why me?  Why has God not allowed me to be a mom yet?  Why are we challenged again with not being able to start a family?  I'm tired of waiting.  I don't want to be patient anymore.  I want my own.  I want to be a mom. 

I'm also challenged with so many friends around me who are pregnant, having babies, or those that already have families.  Honestly, I'm jealous.  Very jealous...then sad and angry again. 

I don't understand.  I guess I'm not supposed to.  Maybe that's what God is trying to tell me too. 

I hope tomorrow is a better a day. 

I hope one day I can be a mom.